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  • Barbados

  • Caribbean Islands
  • Area (sq km): 431
  • EEZ (sq km): 185,050
  • Population: 281,200 (2021)
  • Capital: Bridgetown

Barbados is the easternmost island in the Lesser Antilles. The country generally experiences two seasons, the “wet season”, runs from June to December. Barbados lies outside the principal Atlantic hurricane belt and is often spared the worst effects of the region’s tropical storms and hurricanes during the rainy season.

Barbados is named after a tree. When the Portuguese first discovered the island in 1536 the Bearded Fig Tree was found all over the island. “Los Barbados” is Portuguese for “The Bearded One.”

The ultramarine blue on the flag represents the ocean and sky, and the gold-yellow panel represents the sandy beaches of the island. The broken trident represents the country breaking free from its status as a colony.

Barbados is also known as “the land of flying fish” as they are seen gliding around the island. They can glide for up to 45 seconds at speeds of more than 70km / hour!


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