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  • Singapore

  • Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea
  • Area (sq km): 728
  • EEZ (sq km): 1067
  • Population: 5,600,000
  • Capital: Singapore

Republic of Singapore, is a sovereign island country and city-state in maritime Southeast Asia. The country’s territory is composed of one main island, 63 satellite islands and islets, and one outlying islet, the combined area of which has increased by 25% since the country’s independence as a result of extensive land reclamation projects. It has the third highest population
density in the world.

Urbanisation means that it has lost 95% of its historical forests. Singapore recognises that climate change and rising sea levels in the decades ahead will have major implications for its low-lying coastline. In 2020 the government set aside an initial $5 billion towards a Coastline and Flood Protection Fund. Singapore is the first country in Southeast Asia to levy a carbon tax on its largest carbon-emitting corporations producing more than 25,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year, at $5 per ton.


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