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  • Haiti / Caribbean Islands

Haiti Citizen Science Sea Project (Haiti CsciPro)

  • Award: Direct Funded Project Award
  • Theme: Marine Policy & Governance
  • Duration: 18 months
  • Code: OSO/23/DF/008

Haiti Citizen Science Sea Project (Haiti CsciPro)

The “Haiti Citizen Science Sea Project” (Haiti-CsciPro) is a program focusing on three main strategic goals targeting the Île-à-Vache Natural National Park (IAV-NNP) and the Baradère-Cayemites Marine Protected Area (MPA) both located in the South Peninsula of Haiti. These include: : (1) protection of particular ecosystems: mangroves and coral reefs, (2) protection of emblematic species: grey-crowned tanagers and sea turtles, (3) strengthening of local governance based on the Elinor Ostrom’s 8 rules for managing the common goods such as coastal and marine resources. The Program, as ii intends to be replicated in additional MPAs in Haiti, will train community leaders, youths and fishers in collecting robust data for a comprehensive biological inventory and ecological monitoring of the coastal and marine resources. An adapted scientific method will be conceived and integrated into a mobile application along with an anonymous environmental watch system informing about georeferenced events such as: mangrove deforestation, sea turtle capture, and sargassum unundation. A local self-governance structure on coastal and marine conservation will be established as the communities of the IAV-NNP and the Baradère-Cayemites MPA will be informed in real time of the evolution of their shared natural resources.

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Caribbean Islands
18.9712° N, 72.2852° W