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  • Irish Aid

  • Our Shared Ocean is funded by Irish Aid
Irish Aid

Ireland’s development cooperation programme aims to reduce poverty, hunger and humanitarian need, with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa. By supporting long term development and providing humanitarian assistance in over eighty countries, on behalf of the Irish people, we are helping to build better futures for some of the world’s poorest communities.

A Better World, Ireland’s policy for international development, provides the framework for Ireland’s expanding development cooperation programme in the decade ahead. It charts a clear way forward to achieve our ambition of a more equal, peaceful and sustainable world, shaping and protecting our stability, our prosperity, our shared interests and our common future.

Ireland’s international development priorities, as outlined in A Better World, are: Reducing Humanitarian Need, Climate Action, Gender Equality and Strengthening Governance. We focus on areas where Ireland has proven expertise and can make a real difference, including in conflict prevention and resolution, humanitarian action, agriculture and nutrition, health, social protection and education.

Ireland is playing its part in addressing poverty, injustice and damage to our planet, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, while at all times, trying to focus our efforts on reaching those furthest behind first.