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Our Projects

We are proud to be working around the globe with inspiring partners and researchers who are committed to making a difference to their islands and island neighbours.


Our Shared Ocean is funding innovative projects and research initiatives from Jamaica to Haiti; Fiji to Cork and from Singapore to Belize.

Caribbean Islands

Oceans & Climate
A new Tropical cyclone Ocean-Coupled Potential Intensity Model for West Indies (TOPIM)
  • Jamaica / Caribbean Islands
  • Bermuda / Caribbean Islands

A new Tropical cyclone Ocean-Coupled Potential Intensity Model for West Indies (TOPIM)

Marine Policy & Governance
An investigation into the bioactivity and carbon sink potential of beach-cast Sargassum in Jamaican coastal waters
  • Jamaica / Caribbean Islands

An investigation into the bioactivity and carbon sink potential of beach-cast Sargassum in Jamaican coastal waters

Best practices for scaling up innovative blue economy and coastal climate resilience projects in the Caribbean
  • Trinidad and Tobago / Caribbean Islands

Best practices for scaling up innovative blue economy and coastal climate resilience projects in the Caribbean

Oceans & Climate
Comparing Fish Biomass on Coral Reefs at Sites with Different Levels of Management in Grenada
  • Grenada / Caribbean Islands

Comparing Fish Biomass on Coral Reefs at Sites with Different Levels of Management in Grenada

Oceans & Climate
Growth rate estimation and description of the epiphytic assemblages associated with cultivated sea moss in Grenada, WI: Implications for site selection and crop management
  • Grenada / Caribbean Islands

Growth rate estimation and description of the epiphytic assemblages associated with cultivated sea moss in Grenada, WI: Implications for site selection and crop management

Marine Policy & Governance
Haiti Citizen Science Sea Project (Haiti CsciPro)
  • Haiti / Caribbean Islands

Haiti Citizen Science Sea Project (Haiti CsciPro)

Oceans & Climate
Leveraging Ecosystem-Based Adaptation and Digital Sensing Technologies to Enhance Climate Resilience and Empower Coastal Communities in Jamaica (CLIMATESCAN)
  • Jamaica / Caribbean Islands

Leveraging Ecosystem-Based Adaptation and Digital Sensing Technologies to Enhance Climate Resilience and Empower Coastal Communities in Jamaica (CLIMATESCAN)

Sustainable Blue Economy
Seagrass mapping to assess natural stocks of blue carbon (SEAMANS Carbon)
  • Belize / Caribbean Islands

Seagrass mapping to assess natural stocks of blue carbon (SEAMANS Carbon)

Oceans & Climate
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve coastal resilience in data-sparse locations: Caribbean region case study (AI4Coasts)
  • Jamaica / Caribbean Islands

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve coastal resilience in data-sparse locations: Caribbean region case study (AI4Coasts)

Pacific Islands

Oceans & Climate
Assessing the reproduction and status of a key reef fishery species, the longnose emperor (Lethrinus olivaceus), to inform fisheries management in Palau
  • Palau / Pacific Islands

Assessing the reproduction and status of a key reef fishery species, the longnose emperor (Lethrinus olivaceus), to inform fisheries management in Palau

Oceans & Climate
Automated science-to-management frameworks to improve coral-reef resilience and fisheries in Micronesia SIDS
  • Guam / Pacific Islands

Automated science-to-management frameworks to improve coral-reef resilience and fisheries in Micronesia SIDS

Blue Carbon Condition Index and Tool for Fiji (B-CABONI)
  • Fiji / Pacific Islands

Blue Carbon Condition Index and Tool for Fiji (B-CABONI)

Oceans & Climate
LOcalised ADaptation (LOAD) for Climate Change in Ireland and Timor-Leste: Co-Developing Frameworks for Nature-based-Solutions
  • Timor-Leste / Pacific Islands

LOcalised ADaptation (LOAD) for Climate Change in Ireland and Timor-Leste: Co-Developing Frameworks for Nature-based-Solutions

Sustainable Blue Economy
Towards sustainable materials solutions for lightweight designs in coastal engineering and renewable energy
  • Singapore / Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea

Towards sustainable materials solutions for lightweight designs in coastal engineering and renewable energy